Saint Antonios Orthodox Church

Our Parish

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness. But will have the light of life." – John 8:12

Welcome Parishioners

Saint Antonios Antiochian Orthodox Church represents the spiritual epicentre of the Orthodox community in Nova Scotia. Our mission is to grow in and live by the Christian faith as well as to provide and strengthen the Orthodox traditions and culture. We aim to continue the growth of our identity; to give back to our society; to maintain strong relationships with other religious communities and most importantly to draw ourselves closer to God.

Saint Antonios Orthodox Church was established in 1980 with the help of its community members. Our original church housed 150 parishioners, whereas thirty years later we now see some 300+ families. We are located at 2480 Windsor Street in Halifax and continue to thrive under the leadership of our Archpriest Father Maximos Saikali.

Our community is based in our faith, our commitment to our church and our love for one another. With the help of our parishioners, we are able to offer our youth and adult members multiple activities and groups to join.

With Love in Christ

St Antonios Church Parish Council

The Orthodox Faith

“It is unjustifiable for an Orthodox Christian not to know what he believes, especially in our own times which are characterized by an excess of diverse information.”
– Hieromonk Gregorios of Mount Athos

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St Antonios Orthodox Baptism


“God will cleanse your sins if you are dissatisfied, and willing to continue the effort and struggle toward perfection.”
– Saint Augustine

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